Ken Goldman
Ken Goldman, the senior of the Goldman brothers, serves internally as the general manager of Brand Launcher. In his 30+ years in business, Ken’s career includes 20 years as a leader of Goldman Promotions, a national promotional products distributor with annual revenues of $36MM. Though Ken’s official title of general manager is based on his wide ranging industry experience, he puts a number of his skill sets to work at Brand Launcher.
After the sale of the company in 2008, Ken worked as the general manager of an Energy Consulting company and in 2011, arranged for the merger of that company into a larger engineering firm. Ken has extensive experience in mergers and acquisitions, having bought more than 10 companies and selling 3.
A veteran of strategic planning, Ken has taken an active role in our own planning process. Ken’s approach ties forecasting and budgeting into the planning process to improve value and guide mid-course corrections.
Ken holds a BA in Mathematics from Southern Illinois University and an MS in Computer Science from Washington University. He and his wife have four grown sons and live in St. Louis, Missouri. Ken travels frequently to Baltimore to work out of the Brand Launcher corporate office. He has a long history as a tireless worker and loves helping entrepreneurs manage and grow their businesses. When he’s not working, Ken enjoys yoga, biking, and squash.