Launch Program
You and your key staff will fly to the Brand Launcher Center for one high-powered day of intensive training, creative brainstorming, teambuilding and long- and short-range strategic planning.
Your Launch will be customized to your needs and tailored to the specific dynamics of your business. One or more of our Master Mentors will guide you toward clearer insights, a renewed vision for your business, and a practical Action Plan to put into operation.
- Before your Launch, we perform an assessment and provide initial recommendations for your business.
- During your Launch, we focus on brainstorming, ideation, and strategic planning, culminating in an Action Plan for next steps.
- After your Launch, we segue into the action phase. You continue to be guided by a Master Mentor to Get It Done.
The full Brand Launcher Launch takes approximately four months to complete.
Elite Launch Program
On a limited-engagement basis, join the exclusive Elite Launch program— led personally by Brand Launcher founder and CEO, Jon Goldman.
The Elite Launch gives you and your team exclusive access to the Guru In Chief, who will guide you and your team through our eye-opening processes. Discover the secret ingredients of the Brand Launcher system—including "Brandstorming," Hungry Fish, and POOBA—and learn how to apply them to your business.
The Brand Launcher Elite Launch Package is an accelerated two-month program.
PLEASE NOTE: The Elite Launch requires two months' advance notice, and is restricted subject to Mr. Goldman's personal availability. Call to inquire.